At Binoh – the Kennedy Leigh Centre, Hendon / or privately in a studio in Finchley.
From 45 minute to 2 hour sessions for one to three children ages 6-19.
What is it and what are the benefits?
Use of computers, multi-sensory equipment, music technology and a variety of instruments.
Make animations and videos using mixed media, art, computer animation and filming.
Children will have an enjoyable, multi-sensory, diverse experience, expressing their untapped creativity in language and music, and have pride as they show their friends and family a CD or video.
Develop the musical and creative talents a child may already have.
Children can develop their self-belief and sense of self worth.
The service could be integrated alongside English, speech and language therapy and art therapy. Children can use creative work, especially poems they have written in English, and turn them into songs. The computer software used provides transferable ICT skills.
Songwriting allows emotional and creative expression of feelings and thoughts through music. it opens a door to exploring creativity and imagination.
A multi-media and sensory approach is very beneficial to ASD children, and other children who have sensory difficulties.
Learn basic skills in keyboard, guitar, music theory, songwriting, music software editing, recording, remixing in almost any genre e.g. pop, electronic, hip-hop, comedy, rock, klezmer.
Record in Karaoke style to recreate or remix a child’s favourite songs. Even if the child is not a confident singer, using specialist music correction software can make a voice sound in tune and pleasing to hear.
Put special effects on voice and instruments.
Use multi sensory musical production equipment with easy to use buttons and lights (iPad music apps, Ableton Push, Tenori-on).
Steve Paul is a musician, animator and film-maker, who has years of experience within the special needs education sector, including 7 years at Binoh. He has a qualification in Children’s Care Learning and Development, a degree in Psychology, and a Masters degree in Creative Music Technology.
Website with more information, and a mix of 10 songs of previous work with children coming soon.