Why choose WeCreate?
Creative music can reach and engage children in a fun and creative environment and have an impact that reaches into all areas of their life, giving them a sense of pride and achievement, whatever their musical ability.
A multi-media and sensory approach is very beneficial to Autistic Spectrum children, and other children who have sensory difficulties.
Songwriting and recording allows children to express their emotions, imagination and develop the musical and creative talents they already have, and build a child’s confidence.
The service could be integrated alongside English, speech and language therapy and art therapy. Children can use creative work, especially poems they have written in English, and turn them into songs. The iPad and computer software used provides transferable ICT skills.
Instruments you can play, record and learn the basics:
Guitar, Digital piano, Electronic drum kit, Synthesizer, Mandolin, Ukulele, Autoharp,
Tablas (Indian drums), Didgeridoo, Multi-sensory instruments with lights.
Cool things you can do:
Play an electronic drum kit or keyboard with each drum or note making any sound you can think of.
Sing karaoke style and record cover versions of your favourite songs
Remix your favourite songs.
Sing a melody and turn it into a guitar or any other instrument.
Use an iPad or computer to make music with a choice of dozens of interactive apps.
Sing into a microphone, make your voice in tune or with harmonies. Put special effects on your voice.
Make animations using art, models, lego, iPad and computer apps that can go with the music.
Make music videos of the singing and instrument playing using live footage and animations.
If you make mistakes on your instruments or sing out of tune, we can correct these on the computer,
making you sound in time and in tune.
Steve will spend time outside of the sessions making the recordings sound more professional.