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Music, songwriting, recording, video and animation sessions, for all needs, online or in North London, UK.

Are you struggling in life? Do you want to feel more included? Do you like music? Have you dreamed of recording songs?


Have you wondered what it would be like to make a music video? Have you experienced the wonder of animating?


WeCreate helps give you a sense of emotional and mental wellbeing. The impact can reach into all areas of your life, providing you with an outlet to creatively express feelings through music, words and creative technology.

WeCreate provides a safe environment where you can’t make mistakes.


And this can all be done online.

Music, Songwriting and Recording

Music Videos, including virtual reality

Online sessions

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"I have seen children totally transformed by creating music with Steve. They love the sessions and form a wonderful relationship with him that impacts on their whole life, making them happy and positive.

The effects go way beyond the music created. I highly recommend Steve."

Melanie Coberman (Special Needs Teacher, Binoh, Norwood)


“I’m Mordechai Kestecher, a screenwriter, lyricist and poet. I met Steve as a music teacher when I attended the Binoh unit in Hendon during which time I hadn't had proper schooling since age 13. With the help of Steve's laptop and equipment, I recorded my first hit single "I might" which he worked on perfecting for years after I'd left. 


Steve and I collaborated on and off since my time in Binoh, he went on to help me master my writing skills, helped produce and edit my only successful film, and made an improved version of I Might (I Might Too), together with a music video.


Not only has Steve paid an unmeasurable contribution to my skills. I don't recall ever successfully producing anything without his direct help“

Mordechai Kestecher (Former student)

Steve has been working with my 8 year old son for over a year now. Initially we asked Steve to help my son create alternate future mapping movies (this is something he had seen on YouTube and wanted to make his own) and although Steve was unfamiliar with this type of animation, he researched the subject and taught himself how to make them so he could teach Theo. With Steve's assistance, Theo has produced some fabulously creative and complex animations. He's learned how to use various animation and editing software programmes such as Pixelmator and Final Cut Pro. As Theo's interests change, Steve adapts what he does with him. As well as alternate futures, they've created Theo's version of flight tracker as well as an online board game involving City Skylines. Most recently, Steve has taught Theo how to use data visualisation software, Flourish Studio,  so that he can create his own moving bar charts representing Covid-19 data.

Steve is calm and  patient with Theo who always looks forward to his sessions with Steve. We usually have to tear Theo away when they finish as he's having so much fun and always wants to do "one more thing".

Jenny S. (Mother of current student Theo)




I really like Steve because he can be funny and he always wants to make things the most professional. He's very patient unlike me who just wants to get everything done. My favourite thing is Flourish Studio by far which makes data visualisations. I recommend Steve!

Theo S. (8)


Meet Steve in person or on Zoomfor an introductory session to explore, try out, and show the possibilities of what we can create together. We can start a project and Steve will prepare something for you to play back later. 

Make a flexible plan for the future based on needs and ambitions.

Book sessions for 1 - 4 students at Steve's studio, the student's home or online for songwriting, recording, producing music, singing, learning instruments in different styles using different techniques, making animations, music videos and animating in virtual reality.

Collaborate with other WeCreate students in the same sessions or between others' sessions.

Have weeks, months or years of fun creating music and building confidence. 

Proudly share a CD, mp3, DVD or YouTube video to your friends and family.

Or show your 360 videos in a virtual reality headset.

Who knows,

it could be the start of a brand new career?





Sessions are on zoom, in a home studio or in Finchley Central, North London.

The home studio has a wide variety of regular and multi-sensory instruments,

and filmmaking, animation and virtual reality equipment,

in Finchley Central, North London.


In special circumstances Steve can come to the student's home and bring some equipment or use a different venue.


Sessions can range from 45 minute - 2 hours, depending on needs and concentration.


Sessions can be for one, two or three children or young adults aged 6 - 35.


Book a session at a time, monitoring progress.


Contact Steve to discuss the price. This will vary depending on the length of the session and how many students are in the session, and subject to discussion, how much extra work Steve will put in outside the session, and special circumstances. Fees range from £20 - £50.



About Steve


Steve Paul is a musician, music producer, animator and film-maker,

who has years of experience within the special needs education sector,

including 8 years at Binoh, Norwood. He has worked on a charity music project, 100 Voices, with Number One artists and Brit Award nominees.


He has an NVQ in Children’s Care Learning and Development, a degree in Psychology, and a Masters degree in Creative Music Technology.

He holds a current DBS (formerly CRB) certificate.


More about Steve

Contact Steve:

Tel: 07540 837830


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